Winningest Kittens!

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  1. Kungfu
    has won 73% of 1409 battles.

  2. Chairman Meow
    has won 73% of 5843 battles.

  3. Marshmallow
    has won 73% of 3669 battles.

  4. Khali
    has won 73% of 2021 battles.

  5. Arthur
    has won 73% of 5833 battles.

  6. Fluffy Bucket
    has won 73% of 3404 battles.

  7. Izzy
    has won 73% of 4288 battles.

  8. Moochi
    has won 73% of 1314 battles.

  9. Hatsune
    has won 73% of 110 battles.

  10. Bert
    has won 73% of 4090 battles.

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